Given Name album 2000

Given Name album front cover
Given Name album back cover

... And if I should
betray my course
and angle sail
against the tide
the wind will back
it's song return
my footsteps to
the beaten track
laid down at birth
in rows of genes
to guide the hand
and tilt the heart
in truth and dreams
the very same
I cannot change
my given name


  1. Why We Feel This Way
  2. Put A Name To It
  3. Given Name
  4. Pulling Up Trees
  5. Dogs & Other Philosophers
  6. Moon Tin

Hear the songs

© ℗ 2000 Matt Ottewill. You may use the MP3 audio files on this page for personal use only. Unauthorised duplication, distribution, broadcast and performance is prohibited.

1Why We Feel This Way

2Put A Name To It

3Given Name

4Pulling Up Trees

5Dogs & Other Philosophers

6Moon Tin


Given Name song recording session

Recording the guitar solo with Pete Griffin

Creating Given Name Interactive